From the Associated Press: Make room, Paul Shaffer. U2 will be on David Letterman's “Late Show” for a full week to promote their upcoming album. The band will be Letterman's musical guest each night from March 2 to 6. It's the first time a musical guest has been given a solid week on the CBS show.
U2's new album, “No Line on the Horizon,” is to be released that week. The band played its first single, “Get on Your Boots,” to kick off the Grammy Awards on Sunday. The band last appeared on the “Late Show” in October 2001.
How many pun-tastic Top 10 lists are we expecting from this little venture?
Posted by: Elliot | February 12, 2009 at 10:03 AM
Oh good, I'll get some extra sleep that week.
Posted by: Paulala | February 12, 2009 at 12:45 PM
I think this is a total wash. It does nothing for either party, really. Either you watch Letterman or you don't; either you're already (or still) into U2 or you're not. I don't see one leading anyone to the other. Ten years ago this would have made a big splash. Now? It tells me U2 has lots of time on their hands.
Posted by: Tim Finn | February 12, 2009 at 02:16 PM
Haven't like U2 since 'War' in 1983. That they think they are still an important and relevant band in this day and age is almost embarrassing.
True story-
U2 was in town filming their wretched video for "Last Night on Earth" here in KC back in the late 90's and were set up outside of UMB Bank at 10th & Grand as I was leaving work that day. I walked outside after work and there, twenty feet away, were a film crew and by God, there was Bono, the follicly-challenged 'Edge,' the drummer who mysteriously never seems to age, and that Bass Player who likes to stalk Super Models. There were also a couple of actors and a gorgeous red convertible.
Before my co-worker and I could see what was going on, an assistant director (or someone who acted like he was in charge), rushed over to us on the sidewalk outside of one of the Bank's front doors and told us to get off of their set! I told him that in actuality, they were on MY set and that the guy could go #@%$ himself. If he would have asked nicely, a different scenario might have transpired. We then walked at a snail's pace off of his precious set. About 15 minutes later, about 80% of the building were to exit through the same set of doors. Wonder what he did with all of them...........
Posted by: Kilby | February 12, 2009 at 10:20 PM
as much as I yell about contrived stuff,, and I am middle of opinion on U2 (never seen emelive ),, BUT maybe this is least it is different..
Do they tape the whole week in one night, or will we get a variety of emotional music playing over days?
Could be interesting...could be BS.
prolly worth DVRing and giving them a lookseehear.
And I am surprised at my reaction...maybe it is my "DO SOMETHING NEW" desire.
do they tape 5 nights of L.N. shows, the whole week in one day?
Posted by: what up | February 12, 2009 at 11:47 PM
U2 is still a great band. I'll admit they had a so-so album out awhile back. I saw them on their 'Joshua Tree' as well as their 'Popmart' tours. I'd love to catch them again if they play the Sprint Center. Another band that, I would likely go ALL out to pay to go see. However, I do understand BOTH sides of this matter.
Posted by: Bubba | February 13, 2009 at 05:37 AM
Seems laughable for someone to suggest a band that sold out over 100 venues world wide during its last concert tour 3 years ago is not very relevant. You don't have to like them. But after 25 years. They deserve respect.
Posted by: mike | February 15, 2009 at 08:57 PM
Then laugh on, Mikey. The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus sell out arenas too. Am I also supposed to respect them? Check and Mate...........and U2 do NOT deserve my repect. Can't stand 'em.
Posted by: Kilby | February 16, 2009 at 06:29 AM
"do they tape 5 nights of L.N. shows, the whole week in one day?
Posted by: what up | February 12, 2009 at 11:47 PM "
This question would be best reserved for a report on Conan O'Brien! Just joking with ya! Probably the whole '80's thing with U2 got you thinking back to the days when Dave was a GE employee and did "Late Night!"
In answer to your question, I had a friend in Philly who had a sideline business of ticket scalping. Letterman tickets were pure profit, because he got them free. Ran all sorts of address scams to get them in the mail. Anyway, he always offered me ones that wouldn't sell, or if he knew I was an extreme fan of a guest. To give you the short answer too late, the schedule 12-13 years ago had them taping Monday-Thursday at around four p.m. Thursdays also had an additional taping at around 2:00 p.m. That was that nights show, and the four p.m. would be the Friday show. May have changed since then.
Posted by: Gary Oldman | February 16, 2009 at 12:20 PM
And like Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers or not they are very relevant to one specific demographic. The issue about U2 isn't whether you like them or not. Music is a personal taste. But this band without any question continues to influence music and reinvent themselves around original sounds. They continue their relevance while most bands half their age can't even string together five years of success. It always amuses me when people want to bash a band with this much success, influence and longevity. They are a rarity and whether you like it or not will be respected within the music community as one of the best bands ever.
Posted by: mike | February 16, 2009 at 01:38 PM
A "rarity??" "Best ever?" Don't think so, Mike........
Posted by: Whatevah | February 16, 2009 at 02:56 PM
a good person, writes a whole paragraph of sound logic, and then a person write 5 words saying
NO NO NO you are wrong
what was the point of that?
Posted by: what up | February 16, 2009 at 10:34 PM
What part of "NO NO NO you are wrong" don't you get, dude? Also, explain the "sound logic" in justifying the existence of The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus.
Posted by: what up, indeed | February 17, 2009 at 07:13 AM
dude, dont call me dude.
Posted by: what up | February 17, 2009 at 07:57 AM
I have enjoyed U2’s music since I saw them for the first time on the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder in 1981. I believe they have come up with some pretty great tunes over the past 28 years. There have been a few releases that I did not enjoy as much as others. However I like their last release from a few years ago about as much as anything else they’ve done. I thought their 3D concert film released last year was a great.
I too watched U2 tape their video in downtown KC a few years ago. Larry Mullen Jr walked over to a crowd of probably 200+ people and started signing autographs. I saw Bono signing autographs in the River Market area. I was impressed they took time with the crowd. I don’t think I’d have a negative opinion of the band simply if I had an encounter with some idiot on their set. However if I already disliked them, then that’s another story.
Obviously I’m a U2 fan. However, I’m not going to state their music is better or more relevant than other rock bands. What’s the point? How can anyone state that as a fact? Is it simply a matter of an individuals taste? So, to those of you who are compelled to proclaim your dislike of U2… please educate me as to what music is more relevant. Who plays “better” music? I already own the recent releases by Springsteen, The Killers, Travis, McCartney, Mute Math (ep), Lily Allen, Glasvegas, and the Nick & Nora soundtrack (among others)… and they’re all great. In fact, I like probably all of those releases MORE than the latest U2 single.
Regardless, please put me in the “I am looking forward to seeing U2 on the Letterman” category.
Posted by: KevRocket | February 17, 2009 at 01:07 PM