It was only a matter of time before media wonks big and small, old and new, transformed The Don Imus Idiocy into an attack on hip hop. A brief tour around the Web...
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: "The Rev. Al Sharpton and others rightly have taken Imus to task. But why haven't the same energies been applied with the same urgency against the worst of hip-hop culture, for instance? " More...
The New York Sun: "The content of much of today's hiphop is extreme, but sadly no longer surprising." More... "I'll bet that if you asked any one of the women on the Rutgers basketball team to let you hear the songs they have on their iPods, you would hear some disgusting anti-women lyrics that would shock you far more than Imus' incredibly dumb words." More... "Sad to say, but I’m used to hearing black and brown women being call “bitch” “ho” “skank” “skeazer” “gold digger” or some variation of all of the above in popular songs and music videos." More...
From, KABC-TV the ABC affilliate in L.A.: "And since some of you -- actually, a lot of you -- have done the predictable thing and used Imus' predicament as a platform to hold African-Americans responsible for hip-hop, I'll briefly address that. Although I hope you know hip-hop didn't become the No. 1 music genre in the world because only black folks support the music." More... "You can't put hip-hop in. Everybody wants to put hip-hop in everything." More...
The Hartford Courant: "The rap and hip-hop industry, and many black comedians can share in the fallout. There is not the same outrage from the black community when some African American entertainers cavalierly and excessively use the words "bitches," "hos" and "*****" - having turned them into almost endearing terms." More...
| David Frese, The Kansas City Star
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